
XCEp4: Spirit World Ball 7of8

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Dawn: Woah! What just happened to them?
Diamond: Don't worry their recharging in your tailsmans....they act as a charging station for spirits...they'll be out in a few hours.
Dawn: A recharge station huh?:Looking at her tailsman.: Who knew...say you alright you look tired out yourself?
Diamond: Yeah.....I must of fought 30 of those Zetlings off............what happened to their general?
Dawn: Uhhh yeah Gargoyle dude....gargoyle dude...:Looking around, but can't see him anywhere.: Looks like he bailed. STILL that'll teach him twice not to mess with this powerhouse duo.:Smirks abit.:
Diamond: Both of you fought him...?:Looking at Dawn and Once-ler.:
Once-ler, nodding with a smile: Yeah, we both worked together to defeat him.
Diamond: So that light earlier....:Looking at them as her eyes changed dragon-like for a second before turning back to normal.: I see.......and you defeated him.
Dawn: Yeah you should of seen the look on his face when we delivered our Finale on him.
Once-ler: Haha, HE wasn't expecting something like that.
Diamond: Sometimes you must surprise the enemy so he doesn't suspect the attack...I am impressed that you defeated him after awakening such power for the first time.
Dawn: Say what was that light and what happened to you and Alto in there?:Looking at him curiously.: Before we just saw a gem glowing when it came and saved you from Zargo's attack.
Once-ler, trying to think: Well... it's all a little fuzzy, really... but when Alto and I touched the gem, we got pulled into the light... and then his figure appeared to us.... he said his name was.... "Musica"... and he gave me this bracer and hat pin. :pointing to them:
Diamond: Musica?....That name sounds familiar somehow...:Thinking to herself.:
???: Seems like my little gift to you have found its way to your friend, but it must be destiny that awakened the gem's power as well as the spirit who was said to have created music for the Spirit World centuries ago.........his music would bring happiness and joy to the people of the world and brought a smile to the Goddess's face. The Music Gem is also the lost gem that crowns the Crown jewel of the Crown of the Goddess.
:THey turn as they see Hopper walking over to them.:
Aura: Papa!:Smiling happily.:
Hopper, smiling at her a he held his arms out to hug her: Aura!
Aura: :Flies over as she gave her father a big hug.: Your okay-your a little late for the ball. Were you held up?:LOoking at her father with a soft smile.:
Hopper: Well, an orb of light bursting out of the box that I was bringing certainly held me up a little... But I came here as soon as I could. I'm so happy to see everyone safe and sound. :smiling at them:
Aura: We beated up the bad guys! And you should of seen Oncie and Alto! THey were amazing! He was like Swoosh!:Moving arms up in a fast motion.: And then a bada-boom!:Pretending to strike a chord on an air guitar.: And then we combined our powers and took out the Gargoyle creep! It's like our first victory as a team!:Grinning happily.:
Dawn: Yeah....we do make quite a team.:Smiling at Once-ler as she hid a blush.:
:The scene faded and reopened to later as the guests were beginning to leave and out on a balcony Dawn and Once-ler looked at the stars, yet Dawn seemed sad for some reason.:
Once-ler, smiling a bit: Wowww, what a day... looks over, seeing Dawn looking sad: .. What's the matter, Dawn? Everything okay?
Dawn:'s just that............well um....we never got a chance to dance even before the Zeti crashed the ball..........And now the ball's over due to the room needing repairs and the guests are leaving....and well just look at hair are a Cinderella was when she got home before midnight and was back into her clothes......
Once-ler: Well... the ball may not have gone exactly like we wanted it to... But if it's any consolation, you still look like a Cinderella to me... :smiles at her and blushed a little bit:
Dawn: :Blushing a little as she looked at him with a smile on her face before blushing more seeing him hold out his hand to her.:
Once-ler: And, well.... we can still make up that dance.
Dawn: :Soon took his hand as she blushed more as she felt his hand being placed on her waist.:
Once-ler, soon counting out the ballad to their dance as he began a slow waltz with her: One two three, one two three...
Dawn: :Waltzing with him as she had a dreamy smile on her face.: Didn't know you were quite the dancer.....especially the Waltz...
Once-ler: Haha... well let's just say I had lessons when I was younger. :sighing a bit and smiling dreamily back:
Dawn: Really? How'd ya learn how to dance? Was there some recreation center in your town or dancing lessons at school if you had one....I mean well in the movie it only showed your house and the wind mill and all that.......wide, open space and a couple hills?
Once-ler: Haha, well actually... I took them with my mom when they had lessons in the little dance hall that we had by the town square. :blushing a little:
Dawn: Is it a kind of custom that young girls and boys learn dancing with their parents?:Teasing him abit.: Hahahha sorry just joking-sooo what was your town like? What's its name?
Once-ler: It's called Reasnor, though nobody except the people who live there know what it is. :laughing a bit:
Dawn: Reasnor....that's an interesting name for a what's it like there? I bet its way different from my hometown.
Once-ler: Oh definitely. It's way smaller... so everyone knows each other. And there was only one school. One school and a couple of family-owned stores, with farms around it.
Dawn:  Sounds like my town almost-everyone knows each other, many family-owned stores and brand stores that came throughout the years and a few schools scattered out....but we never had a farm...except that Seafood farm where Old Man Ernie caught Lobsters and crabs. Did your family have some sort of farm?:Looking at him curiously.:
Once-ler, nodding: Yeah, we had a farm with a couple fields nearby. We'd alternate growing wheat, soy beans, corn, barley...
Dawn: Did you and your family did work on the farm? Ya know everyone having a fair share of work?
Once-ler: Well, since I was the oldest kid, I did a lot of the chores that my mom couldn't do... or my dad when he was around. I did a lot of the plowing myself.
Dawn: That must of been very hard....and exhausting to do so many chores in a day-doesn't it tire you out?
Once-ler: I guess you get used to it. I used to be pretty strong and hearty in my younger days. :laughing a bit:
Dawn: :Giggling abit.: When you were a kid or around your teens?
Once-ler: Haha, well I was still a scrawny little beanstalk as a little boy, but I filled out a little more as I got older. :looking down at himself: ... Now I'm just a scrawny beanstalk again.
Dawn: Well to me I think your a tall, strong Truffula tree....:Blushing abit as she laughed abit.: Well I mean your tall and to be honest your pants do resemble the Truffula Trunk stripes...:Dancing with him as she twirled out abit as she felt his hand still holding on as he pulled her right back in.:
Once-ler, laughing along with her as they continued twirling and dancing: Well thanks... haha, I sure do, don't I?
Dawn: :Nodding with a soft smile on her face as she looked up at him.: Say Once-ler............last night before I drifted off to sleep did I say something about you? Or anything  along those lines?
Once-ler, trying to think: Ummmm... now that I think about it... you started to say something to me... But you didn't finish it.
Dawn: Something about you?....:Looking at him curiously.: What did I say about you?
Once-ler: I don't know? You started to say... "Have I ever told you how I...?" And then you fell asleep.
Dawn: Have I ever told you how I...:Beginning to remember the words and soon realized what it was she was going to ask.: Gasp...I think I was about to ask you How I idolize you....guess it did cut off when I fell asleep before I could finish the question.
Once-ler, blinking a bit before blushing deeply: You... idolize me...?
Dawn: :Blushing deeply.: Well....of course I mean your an inspiration to's kind of a long story.........and you'll well I don't know what you'll think if I told you.:Looking away abit.:
Once-ler, looking at her in confusion: If you told me what, Dawn?
Dawn: If I tell you........I don't know if you'll find it odd or something else..
Once-ler: It's okay... Dawn, you can tell me anything.
Dawn: :Took takes a deep breath and sighs a little.: all began after my grandmother's passing...I was around 11 at the time.
:Soon a flashback began as it shows a young Dawn at her grandmother's funeral as she looked quite sad with her family-her grandmother was the most amazing person in her life. It changed to her room as she was on her bed holding one of her stuffed animals close as she looked at a photo album-a memory book showing pictures with her grandmother of the good times.:
Dawn's voice: It was very hard on me and my family when she passed hit me more than grandmother was the greatest person in the whole world....who read me fairy tales and taught me how to write gone like leaves drifting through the wind. I was miserable for awhile....did my best to try to be happy and go about my life...but it was hard to let go.
:It changes to Dawn walking on the beach as she looked at the view as a memory showed her as a little girl building sandcastles with her grandmother with her family around having a wonderful time. Then changed to the library as Dawn was grabbing a book and looked over seeing a young her by her grandmother as she was reading softly to her a fairy tale from the book. The scene changed to Dawn in her room writing down different poems-anything that came to her....from the feelings she was having to the creative twists she placed on them.:
Dawn's voice: I spent days writing in my books different poems expressing my loss and feelings....even writing a short story to go with it........It was the only way to let my feelings flow was by writing them down.....Grandmother used to tell me that when we feel something we should write it than keep it in-it can be in any form it can be....and I chose to write them as poems..........Then one day about a few years later I was a freshman in school.
:Soon it changed to when Dawn was 14 and she was in her Creative writing class as she was a little nervous about telling her poem in class, yet she got up slowly and began to tell her poem.:
Dawn's voice: Our teacher Ms. Idina told us to write a poem about one of our family members as a first assignment....and when I got up to tell mine........well......I don't know if its how I said it or if I sung a little....but when I read it...the class was moved by my words....
:As Dawn read her poem-not only her teacher had tears forming in her eyes, but also the class as Dawn noticed and soon lowered her head thinking they didn't like it or felt pity on her, but she soon heard an uproar of cheers as she lifted her head seeing the class smiling. Soon Dawn began to smile brightly as she headed to her seat as a few students patted her shoulder and complimented her.:
Dawn's voice: It was as if the words I spoke or spoke-sang....drifted through the air and it reached their hearts.......but they liked made my heart glow.........a warm, fuzzy feeling that filled my very soul.......and it reminded me of how my grandmother would smile and applaud when I read her my poems even if I sang-song them abit. It was at that that time I had not just a talent in poetry, but also music. Suddenly at that moment I felt like my old self again for I found something.......I found a dream and that dream was to become the greatest musician in the world so I could spread my music to bring happiness to people..
:Soon it changed to Dawn gathering up her poems at home as she got out some books she rented from the library and began doing research online on becoming a musician. By her desk side was a picture of her grandmother and her and outside her room her parents smile seeing her happy again and the dream she has found. It shows a montage of her going to a music class at school as she became a part of the music club where she began to learn about music. She sang a few notes as the club members were amazed at her voice even the Club Leader was amazed and together worked on improving areas of her voice with different techniques.:
Dawn's voice: I began researching all about music and practicing my hardest to become a great musician. I even took music class and joined a club-my classmates and team-mates were amazed at how remarkable my voice student said that my voice sounded like a fairy singing to the fireflies on a beautiful full moon night. They taught me so much about the different terms, techniques-all there is to music.............but when it came to trying at an instrument....well..
:Soon it shows her trying to play an instrument to match her voice, but each one sounded horrible as she played it which made her sad even when she practiced for quite awhile with them. The club members looked at her sadly, yet encouraged her to kept trying. She decided to go with a violin at first when she decided to play in the town square to practice, yet as she sung while playing it was horrific! The people covered their ears as Dawn noticed and stopped as she looked at the violin sadly. Months went by and it was March as Dawn was sitting on her bed.:
Dawn's voice: What good was a musician if you can't play a tune on an instrument?.........Even when I practiced with each instrument.........none of them would play for was as if they weren't worthy of me....or I was the problem...I didn't know what to do.....can a musician still be good with just her voice?....Would she be good on her own?....The more I thought...the more sadder I got...........I was almost ready to give up until....
:Suddenly she heard a tap on her window from little rocks as Dawn turned and got up as she opened the window and looked down seeing her friends waving to her with tickets in hand for a movie. It changed to the evening as the three were in the movie theater about to watch the Lorax.:
Dawn's voice: My friends decided to lift my spirits by taking me to see the Lorax....I heard about the adaptation of the book and saw a few articles online....And the good reviews it got. I thought to myself maybe a good laugh will cure away the blues, but nothing can wash away the sadness that my heart felt......
:As they kept watching the movie it soon came to the point when the Old Once-ler was recounting his story and when young Once-ler came onto the screen, Dawn looked up as her eyes widen big and she felt a strange feeling in her heart as a blush was on her face.:
Dawn's voice: But appeared...........when the Old you was recounting his appeared....when I saw you I felt this strange, yet warm feeling in my heart. It made my heart pound like a drum....and that sudden sadness suddenly washed away as I kept watching......When you left home you weren't afraid to go off into the world to chase your dream............when seeing the valley for the first you sang and danced with your guitar.............everything it made me forget my troubles and my worries I had before.......and instead replaced them with happiness, joy and..........a sudden optimism.........most importantly....I saw how no matter how many tomatoes that were never gave up-well when you couldn't take anymore tomatoes-BUT before never gave up no matter what.............And that got me to thinking....trying to find my ideal instrument and making something of myself as a musician was like tomatoes being thrown at me-the obstacle that stood before me.......If I kept letting the tomatoes pile on me....well I'd smell like rotten tomatoes....and feeling like trash, BUT Instead I'd wipe those tomatoes off and make a pizza. And it was at that entire life changed that very night....
:Soon after the movie she and her friends came out and Dawn was star-struck with a big smile on her face as she looked at her friends as their also smiling and soon she said something to them which made them squeal and hug her as she hugged them. It then changed to Dawn placing up pictures of Once-ler on her wall even posters she bought even a plushie of him as she soon looked at her room and smiled seeing the pictures around. Then it changed to at school where the Music class got in new instruments-this time Bass and Guitars-Dawn looked as she picked up a guitar and held it carefully. She was a little nervous at first with hand over the chords, but in her head she can hear his voice telling her "Don't be afraid...give it a nice strike and hear its tune.":
Dawn's voice: When the school got new insturments-I was eagered to give em a try...........but one particular was the guitar. At first I was nervous, but then............I heard your voice encouraging me to try...and try I did....and suddenly....
:Soon she strummed a few chords and played a little as she smiled liking its melody and soon strummed with her fingers softly as her eyes widen abit as did the students.....even if its her first time playing a guitar...the notes she played there were good.:
Dawn's voice: Like magic I played a lovely melody from those chords...It was as if this kind of instrument was calling to me. And as I practiced with it I imagined you right by my side to keep trying, it's alright to make a mistake, you can do it you almost got it.
:Soon changed to Dawn's room as she was practicing and as she missed a chord when trying to play a tune she sighed, yet soon she looked over her shoulder imagining Once-ler giving her a smile and telling her to keep trying and she almost had it. She smiled brightly and tried again-this time not missing a beat. Soon it changed to the Music Festival in the Spring and Dawn was playing her guitar as she was singing one of the songs she wrote and as she finished the crowd cheered as she looked surprised and amazed. Her parents clapped for her too even her teachers and friends-Dawn looked at her guitar seeing her reflection in it as she smiled.:
Dawn's voice: When the school had a Music Festival-I decided to perform in it....and it was a incredible performance....everyone loved it.........And it made me happy all that hard-work and determination.......paid off...Not only did I find my passion again...I also found my perfect instrument.
:Soon it changed to her 15th birthday a Lorax-themed party was held and all her friends were there. Her parents gave her their present first and as she opened it-it was a blue guitar...........Dawn couldn't believe her eyes as she looked at it with a bright smile on her face.:
Dawn's voice: On my 15th birthday my parents bought me a guitar..........I knew that they were behind me all the way to make my dream come were my friends...........It was one of the greatest days of my life-and the craziest birthday...2nd to my 16th birthday....but from that day on....I learned to let go of the past so to move forward and go all the way to make my dreams come true....for dwelling on the past wouldn't lead to nowhere and worrying will make things have to let go and enjoy matter what.
:The scene changed to after her birthday she was looking at the ocean with a smile on her face, yet for a second she imagined Once-ler by her side as she turned with a smile as he smiled back at her. She hid a blush and looked away before turning back seeing him gone. Then it changed to her room as she was watching the movie again as she giggled at her favorite part as she held her Once-ler plush close and later on at night she looked at her plush and wondered.:
Dawn's voice: I wouldn't have regained my confidence or never given up if it wasn't for you..............If I didn't see that movie that fateful day I don't know what would of become of me.....
:Soon the flashback ends as Dawn looks at the night sky as she had her hands on the balcony rail.:
Dawn:...........:Being silent now after she told him her story.:
Once-ler, looking fairly amazed: Wow.... I mean, wowww... all my life, Dawn... all my life I thought I would make a different in the world... I guess I just didn't expect it this way though. I always imagined... that I would be famous for my inventions, but...... No...... instead I'm famous in your world.... for not giving up. That's better than.... than I ever thought I was worth... :a tear or two in his eye, as he suddenly hugged her close:
Dawn: :Blushing a tad more as she felt him hugging her close as she looked at him. She had a few tears in her eyes.: Lives have been changed and inspired because of you.......but you touched my life more than anything in this world.....before I was lost in abyss of sorrow and misery............until you reached out your hand and pulled me out and into the light....when I lost my helped me get back on....when I felt my tree was leaning one way-you moved it back to the other way............I mean your not just a crush.........or an inspiration............your hero. And with or without magical powers............Just being all that it takes to make a difference.
Once-ler: Dawn... that means more to me than you know... :pulls back to smile at her sincerely:
Dawn: :Blushing a little more as she looked at him with a sincere smile on her face.:
:Meanwhile Diamond was watching from faraway as she looked sad a little, but happy with a soft smile for the two of them reminded her of how she and her long lost love who danced together and gazed into the stars.........happy memories of those days long since passed flooded her mind even brought a few tears in her eyes.:
Diamond: Dashi...........please make sure that history doesn't repeat itself..........Let Dawn and Once-ler's love be protected and secure........let no evil ever try to take them from each other.....:Soon takes out a locket in the shape of a heart, yet looked ying/yang in a way with two dragons one of light and dark with their dark and light in the other. She opened it up as it played a pretty melody and inside was an unseen picture of her and her love.:
:Meanwhile Diana was up in the sky far off as she was looking down watching Dawn and Once-ler-she looked quite sad.:
Shade: :Floating to her side.: My lady....we must be going now-your father's carriage is near the barrier....he'll be wondering where you are.
Diana: Shade..........Do you day...when that time comes when I have to reveal you think my sister will love me?
Shade: Of course she will Dusk. She's your sister...and from what I could see even far away she really seems to enjoy your company and has quite a bright spirit about her. But Dusk I don't think she'd hate you....I think she would be overjoy to learn her sister is a Xiaolin like her.....and the two of your together again and finding your family......will be the greatest treasure the other can give. For the love of family is just as strong as any force in this world.......
Dusk: Yeah....but I don't want to hurt her....that's what I fear..........What if I can't control the darkness...........what if I........
Shade: :Placing hand on her shoulder as he looks at her.: Don't worry............I'm here for you-I Would never let the darkness ever engulf you...I'd rather let it take me before it tried to get you.
Dusk: Shade...:Looking at him as she placed her hand on his hand.: Thank you, but I don't want to lose you.....I wouldn't forgive myself if I lost you.
Shade: As would I............I care for you too deeply to let the darkness or anyone get you. I would even take Chase on himself so he wouldn't influence you.
Dusk: :Soon gives him a hug.: Thank you Shade.
Shade: :Soon gives her a hug.: Come now your father awaits.
:Soon the two flew off as they were heading back home, yet Diana looked back as she had a sad look on her face abit. Meanwhile in the garden Jack and Lumina were sitting on a bench as Lumina smiled at Jack.:
Lumina: Jack thank you for saving me back were very brave.....hahaha at first I thought you had a monkey spirit as your partner, but Aelita told me you had the Monkey Spear. I remember that funny wu-My Papa made that wu when he was inspired by a tale he heard of a monkey who could perform magic and wield a staff that changed size..he and two other disciples took Sanzo on a journey to get sacred sutra scrolls. Hahahah........sorry....when I was on Earth for a time being long ago and when I was in Dashi's care I called him Papa because he was like a second father to me...
Jack: Wowww, Dashi was your foster father? The monks are always going on about him, so he always seemed important... I never really knew much about him though.
Lumina: I didn't know about him or about the Xiaolin either until I was taken under his wing.:Smiling softly.: He helped me to hone my skills and taught me about the Shen Gong Wu...He and Diamond along with the past warriors taught me so much about their world....even when we traveled on missions....the many places we visited....London, Ireland.....South America.....New Zealand...........all over..landmarks and amazing sights and sounds...culture and people....the world was so fascinating...and so was like the Spirit World in some ways..........And the creatures that live there....and those that kept hidden...all were incredible....Flora that scattered all over were so beautiful....I collected each flower's seeds each place we visited and planted them here in my garden when I came back home after so long........and they grew so lovely.:Looking at a few roses beside her.: THe human world must of grown a lot since I've last been there...I bet it must be just as beautiful and gorgeous as I remember it....but very different in ways. But that is life-Life continues to grow and change as time goes on...its an endless cycle that keeps spinning around and around...:Placing hand carefully on the rose as she picked it.: Just as a flower once starting from a seed grows up, yet when winter comes it withers, but by spring comes back again to greet the sun with a smile on its face......:Soon she handed the rose to Jack with a soft smile on her face.:
Jack, taking the rose as he blushed deeply, and then smiled: Well, it is a lot different than it used to be a long time ago. There's a lot more cities and buildings and new inventions springing up all over the place. But it has new kinds of life too... have you ever wanted to go back to the human world?
Lumina: :Soon looks up at the stars.: Yes....for quite some time...I always wanted to go back to the Human World to see what it's like see my old friend Dojo and anyone else still alive today..........yet it would appear my wish will come true for tomorrow I plan to go with you all to the Human World....for quite sometime I've had horrible nightmares of villages burning, people running from Jungle Cats and a dark green mist that sweeps the land and him...........he appeared in them with a woman by his side....eyes as green as a snake's.......and wicked like a crow...The balance of good and evil is beginning to shift.........the darkness is trying to overpower the the Warrior of Spirits and as Princess of the Spirit World it is my solemn duty to help in anyway to restore balance and assure living beings that everything will be alright-anyway I can bring the faith and courage to the beings of not just our world, but mine............I don't want to see lives lost..............not again...:A sad look appeared on her face.: I wouldn't bear it if a life was taken because of the darkness.....
Jack, looking at her: ... Yeah... Um, Lumina, can I ask you something? Does it bother you that... well, that I'm a villain...? Because... we are on different sides, but... I really like you.... for a goody two shoes. :smiling teasingly at her:
Lumina: :Giggling abit as she looked at Jack.: It doesn't bother me at all if your a villain....nor if you were anything be it a warrior, a commoner, a cabin boy...a comedian...or any other........I like you for who you are isn't the outside that one should not judge...:Soon placing her hand on his hand.: It's the inside that counts....Though you are saved my life..........and you've been quite kind to me and you make me laugh from times.....told me different things about your world and your shows that there is goodness in you that underneath a metallic structure..there is a glow that shines light a candle....everyone has good and evil in person is completely evil or good-it is how we choose what side to take even if its dabbling in both of them to find where one belongs and how one defines himself as a being..
Jack, nodding: Well I'm kinda agnostic about what side in on currently... 'cause I'm with Fei, who is both evil and good, AND I'm helping Dawn as her group with Fei, and they're good, but I still consider myself to be evil...
Lumina: Yet your a rival to Dawn and the group, but they treat you like a friend in a way....but you should not put labels on yourself on evil or good...let's just call it..........Neutral.:Smiling at him.: It means that though evil you are good, though good around friends you are a rival to the good, but when not wu hunting or whenever when in a pinch or situation the enemy of my enemy is also my friend.......So your between the gap...a Neutral. And Fei though he is evil and good is a neutral too even if he is the Ying Warrior. Neutrals in the middle help keep both sides in a balance in a way....
Jack, smiling: Hahaha.... neutral... I like it!
:Jack looked at her and soon their eyes met-almost like in a trance as they smiled at each other and were about to lean in until-.:
Diamond: :Soon picks up Jack by his shirt collar.: AND WHAT have we here? SHOULDN'T YOU be back in the guest quarters by now? YOU know tomorrow we'll be leaving for Earth? What were you and Lumina doing hmmm?
Vyers: :Popping out of a Purple Rose bush.: THAT'S WHAT I like to know too...:Having a few flowers in his hair.:
Lumina: We were just having a little chat...that's all.:Hiding a small embarassed blush.:
Diamond: NO FUNNY BUSINESS I hope..:Glaring at Jack.:
Jack, looking nervous: N-N-Noooo, of course not! Just h-having a chat like she said.
Vyers: About what?
Lumina: We were just discussing um....We were talking about...:Thinking and then came up with something.: Oh! We were talking about....French cuisine...Jack was telling me how his F-Bot makes all sorts of different dishes that are french-even how HE made Jack a Souflee one time...:Winks at Jack.:
Jack: Oh... oh yeah! We had a good conversation about soufflés... and stuff.
Diamond: SOuflees are pretty delicious....When it comes to desserts the French know a thing or two about making good pastries-THEIR dishes are fine...BUT Escargo..:Shivering abit.: TOTAL GROSSNESS....I just hate slimey, snails even if their cooked....Ahem anyway it is late and its time to get some rest.
Vyers: :Nodding.: Let us go your highness-we have a big day tomorrow.:Taking her hand as he got out of the bushes.:
Lumina: :Nodding as she got up and looked at Jack.: I guess I'll see you tomorrow and wish you luck when we head to our locations..:Waves to him as she headed off with Vyers.:
Diamond: :Watching them go and waited until they were out of sight before glaring at Jack angrily abit and reached her hand over.:
:Jack got scared and closed his eyes thinking she's gonna bop him, but instead...:
Diamond: Crown of Goku-Release..:Soon she removed the crown from his head as she smiled softly.: I think you deserve to get this off a day early...Fei can wait until tomorrow for his crown to be removed....YA know for a monkey were brave when you saved Lumina from those Zetlings....AND...I THANK YOu for protecting her like that.....I'm pretty impressed how you fought well with the Monkey Spear...that wu suits you....
Jack: Uhhh.... thanks? Oh yeah, thanks! :puffing out his chest a bit: Well you know... no biggie.
Diamond: YOUR very weird you know that?....:Soon began to walk while keeping a grip on his shirt collar.: Soooo tell me HOW is Chase? I smelled his scent on you....AND His little PROTEGE he has....:Walking down a hallway slowly.:
Jack, looking nervous again: Uhhh, Chase Young? He's been... okay I guess... and Shadow's been just as creepy as ever.
Diamond: Nooww tell me what's someone like you doing playing LAIR Maid to them hmmm? OR associating with them?:Smirks abit.: I'm not surprised he didn't feed ya to his jungle cats.
Jack, laughing nervously: Hahaha, w-well, he acts like he wants to sometimes... but I'm not eaten yet!
Diamond: Sooo how often ARE you at his lair when your not inventing one of your little "inventions" or evil plans OR whatever you do on your EVIL GENIUS TIME?
Jack: Weeeell I don't know... I just drop in every once in a while, ya know?
Diamond: DO YOU ever overhear them planning any surprise attacks or trickery? I'm sure you must of overheard them talking about any plans they must be concocting...:Looking at Jack as her eyes turn Dragon-like.:
Jack: No no no! I swear I haven't heard anything! :waving his hands a bit:
Diamond: Well...SHOULD YOU go there again to "Help out" in anyway-You keep your ears perched and heightened listen for anything.........Anything they OR the Zeti are planning now that they've allied themselves with Chase......You can ring your little partner in crime to act as a second maid.........You get me any form of information that is important and I promise you and Fei will be well-rewarded for your troubles.
Jack, looking at her curiously: A reward, huh? What kind of reward?
Diamond: I'll decide on that later....BUT SHould CHASE ever turn you into anything especially a RAT.....You just scurry yourself over to me and I'll turn you back to normal.:Smirks abit.:
Jack, rolling his eyes: Gee, thanks. NOW, can you put me down?
Diamond: :Soon places him down and released his shirt collar.: NEXT TIME I'll drop you. BE LUCKY I'm in such a good mood.:Looking away abit.:
:Jack looked at her and then he wondered about something-maybe she might know about it.:
Jack: Hey Diamond, I've been wondering... what's the deal with that hissing thing that Chase does?
Diamond: EXcuse me?:Looking at him with a confused look on her face.: What hissing thing?
Jack: You know... the... :imitates the hiss: ... Like that. You're part dragon, aren't you? I thought you'd know what it meant.
Diamond: Hmmm....well let me think....Hissing....if its between two reptiles or a kind of species that use hissing as a form of communication........course I'm not very familiar with it seeing as I've never used hissing as a form of communication.......hmmm...STILL WHY DO you want to know so much about it anyway?
Jack: Chase and Shadow are always doing it! And I never know what the deal with it is.
Diamond: AND DID YOU EVER Attempted this "hiss"?:Looking at him curiously.:
Jack: Uh no, duh. Do I look like a dragon or lizard?
Diamond: Nope-you just look like a foolish monkey.:Soon began to walk down the hall further.: BY THE WAY-IF you tell anyone except Fei-YOU both talk about our pact to anyone.........AND I'LL Make sure to turn your lives into a living nightmare...DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?
Jack: Uhh, y-yes ma'am! :salutes to her quickly:
Diamond: come on tomorrow were all heading back to our world and we'll need a good night sleep.
:Soon Jack followed behind her as the scene fades and reopens to the next day in the morning and just after breakfast Chive handed Dawn a box containing a cake as she opened it up to look at it.:
It said "We'll miss you, Guardian Dawn!" and was decorated with blue and pink and purple and green flowers and greenery around the white icing.
Chive, smiling at her: Just a little parting gift, courtesy of the kitchen staff and I.
Dawn: That's so sweet Chive....thank you.:Smiling at him.:
Chef 3: And here is a special cake we made-requested by Diamond to bring back to your friends.:Holding a box with a cake in it.:
Chef 2: AND A box full of the finest ingredients and food to share with them. I'm sure some of your friends will love the veggies and fruits we have.
Dawn: Yeah...Omi will be stoked-He's a vegetarian monk, BUT IF there's beef in there-CLAY will be over it Like a fly on a cow pie as he would say.:Laughing abit.:
Diamond: :Looking through her Abyss satchel as she was searching for the wu, but kept taking out random items.:
Chive, laughing a bit: Yes of course, there'll be anything for everyone I'm sure.
Sakuya: Thank you for everything and the meals you served-that breakfast was amazing.
Dawn: It sure was-I didn't even know there were 12 different kinds of pancake syrup.
Chive: Hahaha, well of course, many of them are my own invention. But you're very welcome all the same. I hope you get a chance to come back and visit quite soon.
Dawn: Well that's the problem-HOW will we come back to visit?
Lumina's voice: With the Spirit Key.
:Soon they turned as they see Lumina wearing common, yet beautiful clothes as her hair was placed in a braid with her backpack on and Vyers behind her with a few things he packed for her and his belongings.:
Dawn: look...
Lumina: :Giggling abit.: Like a commoner?
Dawn: Yeah...
Fei: Woahh....:Looking at her with Jack.:
Lumina: The Great Ones told me to give you this.:Takes out a silver key with a sun symbol embedded with a spiritual swirl around it on the end.: This is your very own Spirit Key-it will allow you to come to the Spirit World anytime you wish. They also said that your companions are welcomed to come with you on your return.
Dawn: Wowwww.....
Aura: WOWWW! That's a great honor!
Dawn: I'll have to thank them when I come to visit again. I'd like to come back here to see if I can find anything about World Gates or a way to help get Once-ler home.
Udena's voice: WELL IF that's the case I'd be happy to lend my services to help you find what you seek.
:They soon turned seeing Udena with her backpack on and carrying a big purse with things sticking out.:
Xua: Udena? Are you going somewhere? You looked all packed.
Udena: Well I WAS thinking of coming along with you all to the Human World-Sigh~I always wanted to see what the other world is like-IMAGINE all the books that are out there! Rarities of all kinds of history, mythology and all sorts!........AND with my knowledge I can help in anyway possible even to helping finding a way to get Once-ler home.:Smiling.: AND DON'T SAY it yet-I ALREADY Told the Head Librarian and he said yes-OF COURSE he wants a few books from the human world sometimes to add to the royal library that can be useful and knowledgable.
Jack: Well, it looks like we got a big group coming along back with us.
Crevan's voice: AND IT just got bigger!
:Coming up from behind Udena was Crevan and Kaju as they had bags as  well.:
Udena: The three of us got permission from the Great Ones when we told them that we wanted to come with you to help out.
Crevan: FOR ME they told me that going to Earth will be a good community service especially when helping the Guardian of Aurora.
Kaju: I didn't wanna come along, but bro dragged me into it and..I would like to see what kind of things the human world has....just hope it isn't too scary or dangerous...
Dawn: You all didn't have to-I mean....what about your home here?
Udena: We'll come back to visit it's not like we'll be gone forever. Besides....we had time to think after last night....and we came to a conclusion.
Crevan: THE ZETI made a mistake last night when they trashed the ball............AND I WANNA TRASH em back. Nobody ruins an honorable ceremony and gets away with it..........PLUS I wanna rematch with Cotton there.:Looking at Alto.:
Alto: Hmph!:Crosses his arms as he looks away.: Good luck, but this time you'll be knocked out than black-eyed.
Sakuya: Guess when we get home we'll have to make arrangements.
Udena: WE wanted to come on our own............we want to help in anyway to save both our worlds from the Zeti....We may not be warriors.........or even guardians, but we spirits are stronger than you think...even if we don't look like it-we got some wicked power.
Dawn: :Smiles at Udena.: No matter human or spirit-we all have the power within to make a difference...........even the most beautiful symphony can bring a theater to tears and applauds.
Diamond: :Soon takes out an object from her bag.: Ah! Here it is! The Spiral Vortex. This wu activates a portal that'll take one to where to go. As soon as we get Once-ler's noble steed from the stable we'll use this to get home.
Once-ler, smiling: Oooh, I bet he'll be happy to be out of there.
Fei: WHY DO YOU call him a noble steed he's a mu-
:Soon STOMP! Fei's eyes widen as he hops up and down on one foot.:
Sakuya: That outta teach you NOT TO ditz Once-ler's friend.:Glaring at Fei.:
:Awhile later at the stables, Puffy was on Melvin's head as she cooed cutely with a smile on her face.:
Once-ler: Haha, well it looks like somebody became fast friends. You ready to go, buddy? :patting Melvin's side as he whinnied a yes:
Dawn: Puffy? What are you doing here?:Seeing her float over and landing on her head.:
Aura: :Giggling.: Looks like she wants to come along.
Dawn: Hahhahaa.....guess I'm stuck with you huh pal?
Puffy: Cooo..:Nodding.:
Diamond: Is everyone ready?:Smiles softly at them.:
Once-ler, looking around with a smile: All ready over here I think.
Diamond: Alrighty then.:Soon raises spiral-like wu.: Spiral Vortex!
:Soon the wu began to glow as a portal opened up and it split into two as it shows one looking like the new temple and the other was Jack's lair.:
Fei: WHY is there two portals?
Diamond: THE OTHER one is for Jack and you FEI-This will lead you back to your home while the other leads us to where we have to be.
Jack: Wait a minute... we're splitting up now? But, uh... :looking at Lumina:
Once-ler: YES, we're splitting up. Now go back to your creepy-looking lair and take crow boy with you.
Dawn: That's right. The truce is over-SO now we go to our own world, to our own places and resume our roles.
Lumina: :Looking at Jack.: If its alright may I say goodbye to him?:Looking at Vyers.:
Vyers: :Looking at Lumina.: You may your majesty-but please make it quick.
Lumina: :Nodding as she looks at Jack.: I had a lot of fun last night. And thank you again for saving my life...I hope we'll meet each other again when were in the other world. I really would like to see some of your inventions.
Hikaru: Yeah maybe you'll get a close-up as a few of his Jack-bots try to strike yo-
Diamond: Shhhhh...:Hushing Hikaru quietly.:
Lumina: I bet your inventions are really incredible...just like that umm...mechanical spinny wing-thingy you got on your back?
Jack, smiling happily: My Heli-pack? Oh yeah.... well when we run into reach other again, maybe we can take a trip down to my lair and see some of them?
Diamond: WE'LL SEE...:Glaring at Jack angrily.: HER HIGHNESS would not go to a place full of disgusting swamp water or electrical towers around-PLUS THE LAIR could be covered in filth and scrap metal........
Lumina: Umm we'll see.........and perhaps you can co-
Dawn: NOPE-No visiting our place....:Waving hand as she disapproved.:
Lumina: BUT if were out and one of us gets the wu on either side....MAYBE we can take a stroll?
Fei: :Hiding a jealous glare as she watched the two talk.:
Jack: Sure! I'd really like that. :smiling dreamily:
Fei: Ahem we should get going BEFORE A certain Ghost Witch sees this on the other side and try to fly over.;Grabbing his shirt collar.: Catch ya later.:Soon walks toward the portal with Jack as the two went inside and it closed behind them.:
Dawn: GOOD riddance........:Soon looks at the portal seeing the image of the temple.: Uhhh Diamond YOU SURE that's where were going?...........
Aura: It looks like a palace on a mountain.
Diamond: That's the Thousand Layer Mountain..........its where the others are. I just looked at a past text from Kimiko-they found the temple just fine. And considering its pretty big...they'll be enough rooms.
Dawn: :Looking at the portal as she looked a little nervous.: Soooo um...WHO wants to go first?
Crevan: Why not just got in? YOU CAME through a Spirit portal fine.
Dawn: Yeah, but this is a wu-created portal........I mean we don't know what'll be like-for all we know we go in and we spin left and right OR WE end up there, but fall from the sky.
Diamond: If it'll ease your fears...I'll step in to show you it's alright.:Soon heading toward the portal as she stepped inside and vanished.:
Aura: S-sshe's gone...
:Suddenly a hand reaches out and motioned to them.:
Diamond's voice: It's alright-No spins or falls-just a simple walkthrough. And you will be quite amazed when you cross through, but Hurry I don't know how long the portal will stay open.
Dawn: :Looking at the portal a little nervous before she felt a hand on her shoulder as she looked up seeing Once-ler with a sincere smile on his face.:
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